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Timetable of Anemoi Regional at Las Vegas McCarran

from Albany, NY, US (ALB)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 1224 1234567 03:54 05:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6576 1234567 15:28 17:02 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Albuquerque (ABQ)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6481 1234567 02:47 03:10 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6471 1234567 03:47 04:10 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1770 1234567 04:12 04:35 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6483 1234567 07:22 07:45 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6473 1234567 08:33 08:53 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1772 1234567 08:43 09:06 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1762 1234567 10:08 10:31 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6475 1234567 13:01 13:24 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1804 1234567 13:14 13:37 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1764 1234567 14:39 15:02 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6477 1234567 17:27 17:50 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1806 1234567 17:47 18:10 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1766 1234567 19:10 19:33 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6479 1234567 22:03 22:26 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6469 1234567 23:13 23:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1768 1234567 23:41 00:04 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Austin (AUS)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6502 1234567 00:49 01:16 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4504 1234567 01:48 02:04 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6496 1234567 04:07 04:34 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4498 1234567 05:56 06:20 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6504 1234567 07:43 08:10 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5454 1234567 08:21 08:53 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6498 1234567 11:01 11:28 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4500 1234567 12:36 13:00 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6506 1234567 14:37 15:04 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6500 1234567 17:55 18:22 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4502 1234567 19:16 19:32 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4496 1234567 23:05 23:37 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from Birmingham, AL, US (BHM)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6652 1234567 00:30 02:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6646 1234567 08:00 09:35 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6650 1234567 13:15 14:50 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6648 1234567 19:45 21:20 295 Anemoi Regional
from Boise (BOI)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6732 1234567 02:21 02:45 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6734 1234567 06:49 07:13 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6724 1234567 08:29 08:53 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6736 1234567 11:17 11:41 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6726 1234567 12:57 13:21 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6738 1234567 15:45 16:09 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6728 1234567 17:25 17:49 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6730 1234567 21:53 22:17 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from Buffalo (BUF)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6524 1234567 07:11 08:17 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6526 1234567 17:26 18:32 295 Anemoi Regional
from Burbank (BUR)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6432 1234567 06:50 07:41 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1808 1234567 07:40 08:31 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1860 1234567 08:46 09:37 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6449 1234567 09:37 10:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6434 1234567 10:17 11:08 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1810 1234567 11:07 11:58 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1862 1234567 12:15 13:06 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6447 1234567 13:04 13:55 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6436 1234567 14:01 14:52 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1812 1234567 14:34 15:25 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1876 1234567 15:42 16:33 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6445 1234567 16:31 17:22 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6438 1234567 17:28 18:19 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1814 1234567 18:05 18:56 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1878 1234567 19:10 20:01 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6443 1234567 19:58 20:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6440 1234567 20:55 21:46 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1858 1234567 21:32 22:23 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1880 1234567 22:37 23:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6441 1234567 23:25 00:16 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Charleston, SC, US (CHS)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6594 1234567 01:08 02:26 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6596 1234567 13:39 14:46 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from Cincinnati (CVG)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6536 1234567 10:24 11:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6538 1234567 20:09 20:50 295 Anemoi Regional
from Colorado Springs (COS)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6700 1234567 05:06 05:42 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6710 1234567 07:35 08:11 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6702 1234567 09:48 10:24 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6712 1234567 12:17 12:53 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6704 1234567 14:30 15:06 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6714 1234567 16:59 17:35 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6706 1234567 19:12 19:48 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6708 1234567 23:54 00:30 295 Anemoi Regional
from Columbus (CMH)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 4673 1234567 04:57 05:39 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6532 1234567 10:33 11:15 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4675 1234567 14:06 14:48 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6534 1234567 19:58 20:50 295 Anemoi Regional
from Dayton (DAY)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6628 1234567 02:28 03:10 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6622 1234567 09:07 09:49 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6626 1234567 15:03 15:45 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6624 1234567 20:07 20:40 295 Anemoi Regional
from Des Moines (DSM)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 2252 1234567 03:55 04:35 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6676 1234567 07:20 08:00 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 2255 1234567 10:47 11:27 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6678 1234567 14:10 14:50 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6680 1234567 21:00 21:40 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4752 1234567 21:05 21:45 295 Anemoi Regional
from El Paso (ELP)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6716 1234567 05:20 05:55 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6718 1234567 10:20 10:51 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6720 1234567 15:02 15:33 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6722 1234567 19:50 20:25 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from Fort Myers (RSW)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 3508 1234567 01:51 03:07 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5552 1234567 04:25 05:41 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5548 1234567 07:13 08:41 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4848 1234567 10:29 11:45 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5676 1234567 14:54 16:22 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 3506 1234567 15:30 16:46 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5550 1234567 18:08 19:24 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4850 1234567 21:22 22:50 295 Anemoi Regional
from Grand Rapids, MI, US (GRR)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6636 1234567 04:14 04:50 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6630 1234567 10:01 10:37 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6634 1234567 16:19 16:55 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6632 1234567 22:23 22:59 295 Anemoi Regional
from Greensboro (GSO)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6604 1234567 03:49 05:03 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6598 1234567 10:24 11:38 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6602 1234567 15:58 17:01 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6600 1234567 22:18 23:32 295 Anemoi Regional
from Greenville, SC, US (GSP)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6614 1234567 09:45 10:45 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6616 1234567 21:50 22:50 295 Anemoi Regional
from Guadalajara (GDL)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 5474 1234567 00:55 01:50 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6404 1234567 03:42 04:39 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5456 1234567 07:00 07:55 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6408 1234567 10:00 10:57 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5472 1234567 12:30 13:25 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6406 1234567 15:21 16:18 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5470 1234567 18:55 19:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6410 1234567 21:39 22:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Hartford (BDL)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6516 1234567 08:52 10:45 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6518 1234567 20:22 22:15 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Houston (HOU)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 5656 1234567 01:48 02:36 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6560 1234567 05:55 06:45 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5500 1234567 07:48 08:36 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6564 1234567 11:55 12:45 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5504 1234567 13:48 14:36 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6562 1234567 17:35 18:25 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5502 1234567 19:48 20:36 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6566 1234567 23:50 00:40 295 Anemoi Regional
from Indianapolis (IND)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6540 1234567 04:10 04:40 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6546 1234567 09:00 09:30 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 745 1234567 11:30 11:51 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6542 1234567 15:35 16:05 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6544 1234567 21:45 22:15 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 747 1234567 23:19 23:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Islip (ISP)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 1212 1234567 06:40 08:17 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1214 1234567 18:52 20:29 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Jacksonville International (JAX)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6528 1234567 03:50 05:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4669 1234567 08:36 09:40 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6530 1234567 14:50 16:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4671 1234567 18:29 19:44 295 Anemoi Regional
from Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Albany, NY, US (ALB)
ANR 6575 1234567 07:14 14:48 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1223 1234567 19:40 03:14 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Albuquerque (ABQ)
ANR 6470 1234567 00:36 02:59 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1769 1234567 01:04 03:27 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6482 1234567 04:10 06:33 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6472 1234567 05:25 07:48 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1771 1234567 05:35 07:58 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1761 1234567 07:00 09:23 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6474 1234567 09:53 12:16 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1803 1234567 10:06 12:29 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1763 1234567 11:31 13:54 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6476 1234567 14:19 16:42 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1805 1234567 14:37 17:00 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1765 1234567 16:02 18:25 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6478 1234567 18:55 21:18 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6468 1234567 20:05 22:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1767 1234567 20:33 22:56 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6480 1234567 23:35 01:58 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Austin (AUS)
ANR 4497 1234567 00:40 04:56 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6503 1234567 02:16 06:43 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5453 1234567 03:05 07:21 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6497 1234567 05:34 10:01 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4499 1234567 07:20 11:36 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6505 1234567 09:10 13:37 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6499 1234567 12:28 16:55 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4501 1234567 14:00 18:16 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4495 1234567 17:19 21:51 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6501 1234567 19:22 23:49 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4503 1234567 20:32 00:48 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6495 1234567 22:40 03:07 CS3 Anemoi Regional
to Birmingham, AL, US (BHM)
ANR 6645 1234567 01:55 07:30 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6649 1234567 07:10 12:45 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6647 1234567 13:14 18:49 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6651 1234567 18:25 00:00 295 Anemoi Regional
to Boise (BOI)
ANR 6733 1234567 03:45 06:09 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6723 1234567 05:25 07:49 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6735 1234567 08:13 10:37 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6725 1234567 09:53 12:17 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6737 1234567 12:41 15:05 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6727 1234567 14:21 16:45 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6729 1234567 18:49 21:13 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6731 1234567 23:17 01:41 CS3 Anemoi Regional
to Buffalo (BUF)
ANR 6525 1234567 09:35 16:41 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6523 1234567 23:20 06:26 295 Anemoi Regional
to Burbank (BUR)
ANR 6431 1234567 05:14 06:05 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1807 1234567 05:59 06:50 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1859 1234567 07:10 08:01 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6450 1234567 08:01 08:52 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6433 1234567 08:41 09:32 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1809 1234567 09:31 10:22 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1861 1234567 10:39 11:30 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6448 1234567 11:28 12:19 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6435 1234567 12:25 13:16 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1811 1234567 12:58 13:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1875 1234567 14:06 14:57 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6446 1234567 14:55 15:46 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6437 1234567 15:52 16:43 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1813 1234567 16:29 17:20 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1877 1234567 17:33 18:24 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6444 1234567 18:22 19:13 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6439 1234567 19:19 20:10 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1857 1234567 19:56 20:47 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1879 1234567 21:01 21:52 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6442 1234567 21:49 22:40 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Charleston, SC, US (CHS)
ANR 6595 1234567 05:55 13:02 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6593 1234567 17:31 00:38 CS3 Anemoi Regional
to Cincinnati (CVG)
ANR 6535 1234567 02:40 09:21 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6537 1234567 12:25 19:06 295 Anemoi Regional
to Colorado Springs (COS)
ANR 6699 1234567 02:00 04:36 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6709 1234567 04:29 07:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6701 1234567 06:42 09:18 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6711 1234567 09:11 11:47 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6703 1234567 11:24 14:00 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6713 1234567 13:53 16:29 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6705 1234567 16:06 18:42 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6707 1234567 20:48 23:24 295 Anemoi Regional
to Columbus (CMH)
ANR 6531 1234567 02:55 09:47 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4674 1234567 06:39 13:21 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6533 1234567 12:20 19:12 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4672 1234567 21:30 04:12 295 Anemoi Regional
to Dayton (DAY)
ANR 6621 1234567 01:55 08:37 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6625 1234567 07:49 14:31 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6623 1234567 12:55 19:37 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6627 1234567 19:15 01:57 295 Anemoi Regional
to Des Moines (DSM)
ANR 6675 1234567 02:10 06:50 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 2254 1234567 05:37 10:17 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6677 1234567 09:00 13:40 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4751 1234567 12:27 17:07 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6679 1234567 15:50 20:30 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 2196 1234567 22:45 03:25 295 Anemoi Regional
to El Paso (ELP)
ANR 6715 1234567 02:09 04:40 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6717 1234567 07:05 09:40 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6719 1234567 11:51 14:22 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6721 1234567 16:35 19:10 CS3 Anemoi Regional
to Fort Myers (RSW)
ANR 4847 1234567 02:25 09:41 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5675 1234567 06:41 14:09 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 3505 1234567 07:29 14:45 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5549 1234567 09:55 17:23 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4849 1234567 12:55 20:23 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 3507 1234567 17:50 01:06 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5551 1234567 20:24 03:40 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5547 1234567 23:00 06:28 295 Anemoi Regional
to Grand Rapids, MI, US (GRR)
ANR 6629 1234567 02:55 09:31 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6633 1234567 08:54 15:30 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6631 1234567 14:45 21:21 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6635 1234567 20:20 02:56 295 Anemoi Regional
to Greensboro (GSO)
ANR 6597 1234567 02:40 09:54 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6601 1234567 08:14 15:28 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6599 1234567 14:45 21:48 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6603 1234567 20:05 03:19 295 Anemoi Regional
to Greenville, SC, US (GSP)
ANR 6613 1234567 02:15 09:15 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6615 1234567 14:10 21:00 295 Anemoi Regional
to Guadalajara (GDL)
ANR 5455 1234567 01:05 06:00 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6407 1234567 04:18 09:15 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5471 1234567 06:50 11:45 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6405 1234567 09:39 14:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5469 1234567 13:15 18:10 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6409 1234567 15:57 20:54 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5473 1234567 19:15 00:10 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6403 1234567 22:00 02:57 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Hartford (BDL)
ANR 6517 1234567 11:19 19:12 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6515 1234567 23:40 07:33 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Houston (HOU)
ANR 5499 1234567 02:00 06:48 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6563 1234567 05:35 10:25 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5503 1234567 08:00 12:48 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6561 1234567 11:45 16:35 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5501 1234567 14:00 18:48 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6565 1234567 17:25 22:15 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5655 1234567 20:00 00:48 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6559 1234567 23:35 04:25 295 Anemoi Regional
to Indianapolis (IND)
ANR 6545 1234567 01:25 07:55 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 744 1234567 04:00 10:30 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6541 1234567 07:50 14:20 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6543 1234567 14:15 20:45 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 746 1234567 15:49 22:19 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6539 1234567 20:20 02:50 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Islip (ISP)
ANR 1213 1234567 10:45 18:22 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1211 1234567 22:33 06:10 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Jacksonville International (JAX)
ANR 4668 1234567 00:45 07:49 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6529 1234567 06:45 14:00 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 4670 1234567 10:40 17:44 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6527 1234567 19:50 03:05 295 Anemoi Regional
to Little Rock (LIT)
ANR 6653 1234567 01:35 06:31 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6657 1234567 07:15 12:11 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6655 1234567 12:47 17:43 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6659 1234567 17:27 22:23 295 Anemoi Regional
to Long Beach (LGB)
ANR 6775 1234567 05:11 06:05 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6785 1234567 07:00 07:54 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6777 1234567 08:29 09:23 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6787 1234567 10:18 11:12 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6779 1234567 11:47 12:41 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6789 1234567 13:36 14:30 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6781 1234567 15:10 16:04 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6791 1234567 16:55 17:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6783 1234567 18:28 19:22 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6793 1234567 20:13 21:07 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Los Angeles (LAX)
ANR 2098 1234567 00:13 01:06 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 1542 1234567 01:15 02:08 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5686 1234567 01:53 02:46 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5389 1234567 02:22 03:15 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2742 1234567 02:53 03:46 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4822 1234567 03:33 04:26 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 1544 1234567 05:01 05:54 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5688 1234567 05:40 06:33 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5427 1234567 06:17 07:10 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2744 1234567 06:40 07:33 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4927 1234567 07:23 08:16 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2008 1234567 08:47 09:40 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5429 1234567 10:32 11:25 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2845 1234567 10:38 11:31 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4929 1234567 11:09 12:02 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2010 1234567 12:55 13:48 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5431 1234567 14:23 15:16 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2847 1234567 14:28 15:21 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5383 1234567 14:55 15:48 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2012 1234567 16:41 17:34 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5663 1234567 18:15 19:08 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2949 1234567 18:20 19:13 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5385 1234567 18:47 19:40 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2738 1234567 19:10 20:03 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4818 1234567 20:00 20:53 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2096 1234567 20:27 21:20 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 321 1234567 21:20 22:13 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5665 1234567 22:05 22:58 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2951 1234567 22:07 23:00 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5387 1234567 22:35 23:28 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2740 1234567 23:02 23:55 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4820 1234567 23:46 00:39 32N Anemoi Regional
to Louisville Standiford (SDF)
ANR 6637 1234567 01:35 08:10 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6641 1234567 07:24 13:59 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6639 1234567 13:34 20:09 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6643 1234567 19:40 02:15 295 Anemoi Regional
to Manchester, NH, US (MHT)
ANR 1009 1234567 10:00 17:46 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1007 1234567 22:00 05:46 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Memphis (MEM)
ANR 6555 1234567 02:10 07:21 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 748 1234567 08:00 13:11 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6557 1234567 13:40 18:51 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 762 1234567 20:15 01:26 295 Anemoi Regional
to Milwaukee (MKE)
ANR 6547 1234567 00:47 06:10 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 805 1234567 09:04 14:27 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6549 1234567 12:20 17:43 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 765 1234567 17:37 23:00 295 Anemoi Regional
to Monterrey (MTY)
ANR 6521 1234567 11:45 16:24 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6519 1234567 23:15 03:54 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to New Orleans (MSY)
ANR 6551 1234567 02:25 07:44 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5657 1234567 05:24 10:43 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 806 1234567 08:00 13:19 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5839 1234567 11:15 16:34 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6553 1234567 14:15 19:34 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5837 1234567 17:14 22:33 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 812 1234567 20:10 01:29 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5841 1234567 23:15 04:34 295 Anemoi Regional
to Norfolk, VA, US (ORF)
ANR 6591 1234567 07:05 14:28 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6589 1234567 19:00 02:23 CS3 Anemoi Regional
to Oklahoma City (OKC)
ANR 6683 1234567 07:54 12:15 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6689 1234567 19:54 00:15 295 Anemoi Regional
to Omaha (OMA)
ANR 6513 1234567 10:45 15:19 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6511 1234567 22:29 03:03 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Ontario (ONT)
ANR 6413 1234567 01:30 02:17 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1757 1234567 01:47 02:34 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1737 1234567 02:33 03:20 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6427 1234567 03:18 04:05 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6415 1234567 04:57 05:44 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1759 1234567 05:07 05:54 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1739 1234567 05:52 06:39 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6429 1234567 06:37 07:24 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6417 1234567 08:18 09:05 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1741 1234567 09:12 09:59 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6419 1234567 11:37 12:24 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1749 1234567 12:31 13:18 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6421 1234567 15:15 16:02 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1751 1234567 15:50 16:37 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6423 1234567 18:40 19:27 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1753 1234567 19:09 19:56 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6411 1234567 21:50 22:37 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1755 1234567 22:28 23:15 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1735 1234567 23:00 23:47 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6425 1234567 23:59 00:46 32Q Anemoi Regional
to Orlando Sanford (SFB)
ANR 7867 1234567 02:55 10:17 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6587 1234567 08:07 15:18 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 7890 1234567 12:58 20:20 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6585 1234567 22:15 05:26 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Providence (PVD)
ANR 6509 1234567 11:15 19:02 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6507 1234567 23:15 07:02 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Reno (RNO)
ANR 6751 1234567 01:31 02:34 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6739 1234567 02:25 03:28 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6753 1234567 05:22 06:25 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6741 1234567 06:16 07:19 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6743 1234567 10:07 11:10 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6745 1234567 13:58 15:01 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6747 1234567 17:49 18:52 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6749 1234567 21:40 22:43 CS3 Anemoi Regional
to Richmond, VA, US (RIC)
ANR 1215 1234567 09:40 16:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1221 1234567 21:30 04:46 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Rochester, NY, US (ROC)
ANR 1011 1234567 09:30 16:42 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1209 1234567 21:12 04:24 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to San Antonio, TX, US (SAT)
ANR 6491 1234567 01:30 05:55 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6485 1234567 05:00 09:25 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6493 1234567 08:20 12:45 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6487 1234567 11:50 16:15 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6489 1234567 18:40 23:05 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6467 1234567 22:10 02:35 CS3 Anemoi Regional
to San Jose Cabo (SJD)
ANR 6693 1234567 02:40 05:56 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6695 1234567 08:45 12:01 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6697 1234567 14:55 18:11 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Savannah (SAV)
ANR 6611 1234567 01:20 08:21 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6607 1234567 07:29 14:41 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6609 1234567 13:25 20:37 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6605 1234567 19:35 02:47 295 Anemoi Regional
to Spokane (GEG)
ANR 6691 1234567 02:06 04:03 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6685 1234567 14:06 16:03 295 Anemoi Regional
to Syracuse (SYR)
ANR 6579 1234567 06:30 13:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6577 1234567 18:20 01:39 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Tijuana (TIJ)
ANR 6769 1234567 01:32 02:29 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6757 1234567 03:05 04:02 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6771 1234567 04:56 05:53 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6759 1234567 06:29 07:26 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6773 1234567 08:20 09:17 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6761 1234567 09:53 10:50 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6763 1234567 13:20 14:17 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6765 1234567 16:44 17:41 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6767 1234567 20:08 21:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6755 1234567 23:40 00:37 295 Anemoi Regional
to Tucson (TUS)
ANR 6453 1234567 00:30 02:39 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1921 1234567 01:34 03:43 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6465 1234567 02:10 04:19 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6455 1234567 04:29 06:38 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1923 1234567 05:40 07:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1881 1234567 05:44 07:53 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6457 1234567 08:32 10:41 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1926 1234567 09:38 11:47 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1883 1234567 09:42 11:51 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6459 1234567 11:39 13:48 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1885 1234567 13:40 15:49 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6461 1234567 15:37 17:46 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1917 1234567 17:38 19:47 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6451 1234567 20:30 22:39 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1919 1234567 21:36 23:45 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6463 1234567 22:07 00:16 CS1 Anemoi Regional
to Tulsa (TUL)
ANR 6681 1234567 01:20 05:52 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6687 1234567 13:20 17:52 295 Anemoi Regional
to West Palm Beach (PBI)
ANR 5790 1234567 03:37 11:01 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5600 1234567 06:20 13:44 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 3503 1234567 09:13 16:37 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5602 1234567 17:04 00:28 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5528 1234567 19:39 03:03 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 3501 1234567 22:40 06:04 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from Little Rock (LIT)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6654 1234567 06:51 07:47 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6658 1234567 12:31 13:27 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6656 1234567 18:03 18:59 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6660 1234567 22:43 23:39 295 Anemoi Regional
from Long Beach (LGB)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6776 1234567 06:35 07:29 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6786 1234567 08:24 09:15 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6778 1234567 09:53 10:47 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6788 1234567 11:42 12:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6780 1234567 13:11 14:05 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6790 1234567 15:01 15:55 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6782 1234567 16:34 17:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6792 1234567 18:19 19:13 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6784 1234567 19:52 20:46 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6794 1234567 21:37 22:31 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Los Angeles (LAX)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 2952 1234567 00:00 00:53 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5666 1234567 00:00 00:53 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5388 1234567 00:28 01:21 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2741 1234567 01:00 01:53 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4821 1234567 01:40 02:33 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2099 1234567 02:10 03:03 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 1543 1234567 03:08 04:01 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5687 1234567 03:47 04:40 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5390 1234567 04:15 05:08 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2743 1234567 04:47 05:40 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4823 1234567 05:30 06:23 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2007 1234567 06:54 07:47 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5428 1234567 08:17 09:10 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2832 1234567 08:35 09:28 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4928 1234567 09:16 10:09 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2009 1234567 10:45 11:38 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5430 1234567 12:30 13:23 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2846 1234567 12:35 13:28 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4930 1234567 13:02 13:55 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2011 1234567 14:48 15:41 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5432 1234567 16:16 17:09 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2848 1234567 16:21 17:14 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5384 1234567 16:50 17:43 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4774 1234567 18:07 19:00 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2095 1234567 18:34 19:27 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5664 1234567 20:08 21:01 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2950 1234567 20:13 21:06 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 5386 1234567 20:40 21:33 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2739 1234567 21:03 21:56 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 4819 1234567 21:53 22:46 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 2097 1234567 22:20 23:13 32N Anemoi Regional
ANR 1541 1234567 23:22 00:15 32N Anemoi Regional
from Louisville Standiford (SDF)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6644 1234567 03:05 03:40 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6638 1234567 09:00 09:35 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6642 1234567 14:50 15:25 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6640 1234567 20:54 21:29 295 Anemoi Regional
from Manchester, NH, US (MHT)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 1008 1234567 06:26 08:25 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1010 1234567 18:26 20:12 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Memphis (MEM)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 763 1234567 02:29 03:40 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6556 1234567 08:21 09:32 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 761 1234567 14:19 15:30 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6558 1234567 20:10 21:13 295 Anemoi Regional
from Milwaukee (MKE)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6548 1234567 06:55 08:18 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 766 1234567 15:14 16:37 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6550 1234567 18:28 19:51 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 764 1234567 23:54 01:17 295 Anemoi Regional
from Monterrey (MTY)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6520 1234567 04:34 05:06 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6522 1234567 17:04 17:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from New Orleans (MSY)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 9336 1234567 02:29 03:40 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5842 1234567 05:46 07:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6552 1234567 08:46 10:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5658 1234567 11:56 13:15 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 809 1234567 14:19 15:38 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5840 1234567 17:56 19:15 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6554 1234567 20:34 21:53 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5838 1234567 23:46 01:05 295 Anemoi Regional
from Norfolk, VA, US (ORF)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6590 1234567 03:09 04:45 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6592 1234567 15:08 16:31 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from Oklahoma City (OKC)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6690 1234567 00:45 01:06 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6684 1234567 12:45 13:06 295 Anemoi Regional
from Omaha (OMA)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6512 1234567 04:06 04:40 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6514 1234567 16:11 16:45 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Ontario (ONT)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 1756 1234567 00:00 00:47 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1736 1234567 00:32 01:19 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6426 1234567 01:31 02:18 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6414 1234567 03:10 03:57 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1758 1234567 03:20 04:07 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1738 1234567 04:05 04:52 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6428 1234567 04:50 05:37 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6416 1234567 06:29 07:16 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1760 1234567 06:39 07:26 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1740 1234567 07:25 08:12 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6430 1234567 08:09 08:56 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6418 1234567 09:50 10:37 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1742 1234567 10:44 11:31 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6420 1234567 13:09 13:56 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1750 1234567 14:03 14:50 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6422 1234567 16:48 17:35 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1752 1234567 17:22 18:09 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6424 1234567 20:12 20:59 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 1754 1234567 20:41 21:28 32Q Anemoi Regional
ANR 6412 1234567 23:43 00:30 32Q Anemoi Regional
from Orlando Sanford (SFB)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6586 1234567 05:56 07:07 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 7889 1234567 10:47 11:58 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6588 1234567 15:48 16:59 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 7891 1234567 20:50 22:12 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Providence (PVD)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6508 1234567 07:48 09:35 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6510 1234567 19:42 21:29 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Reno (RNO)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6752 1234567 03:19 04:22 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6740 1234567 04:13 05:16 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6754 1234567 07:10 08:13 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6742 1234567 08:04 09:07 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6744 1234567 11:55 12:58 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6746 1234567 15:46 16:49 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6748 1234567 19:37 20:40 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6750 1234567 23:28 00:31 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from Richmond, VA, US (RIC)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 1222 1234567 05:29 06:45 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1216 1234567 17:16 18:32 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Rochester, NY, US (ROC)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 1210 1234567 05:03 06:15 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1012 1234567 17:12 18:24 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from San Antonio, TX, US (SAT)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6490 1234567 00:05 00:30 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6484 1234567 03:35 04:00 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6492 1234567 06:55 07:20 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6486 1234567 10:25 10:50 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6494 1234567 13:45 14:10 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6488 1234567 17:15 17:40 CS3 Anemoi Regional
from San Jose Cabo (SJD)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6694 1234567 06:26 07:42 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6696 1234567 12:34 13:50 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6698 1234567 18:57 20:13 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Savannah (SAV)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6606 1234567 03:17 04:29 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6612 1234567 08:53 10:05 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6608 1234567 15:13 16:25 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6610 1234567 21:07 22:08 295 Anemoi Regional
from Spokane (GEG)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6692 1234567 04:33 06:30 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6686 1234567 16:33 18:30 295 Anemoi Regional
from Syracuse (SYR)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6578 1234567 02:09 03:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6580 1234567 14:19 15:38 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Tijuana (TIJ)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6756 1234567 01:07 02:04 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6770 1234567 02:59 03:56 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6758 1234567 04:32 05:29 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6772 1234567 06:23 07:20 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6760 1234567 07:56 08:53 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6774 1234567 09:47 10:44 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6762 1234567 11:23 12:20 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6764 1234567 14:47 15:44 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6766 1234567 18:11 19:08 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6768 1234567 21:35 22:32 295 Anemoi Regional
from Tucson (TUS)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 1922 1234567 00:25 00:34 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6464 1234567 00:56 01:05 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6454 1234567 03:19 03:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1924 1234567 04:26 04:35 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6466 1234567 04:59 05:08 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6456 1234567 07:23 07:32 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1925 1234567 08:29 08:38 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1882 1234567 08:33 08:42 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6458 1234567 11:27 11:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1927 1234567 12:27 12:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1884 1234567 12:31 12:40 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6460 1234567 14:28 14:37 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1886 1234567 16:29 16:38 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6462 1234567 18:27 18:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 1918 1234567 20:27 20:36 CS1 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6452 1234567 23:19 23:28 CS1 Anemoi Regional
from Tulsa (TUL)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 6682 1234567 06:22 06:54 295 Anemoi Regional
ANR 6688 1234567 18:22 18:54 295 Anemoi Regional
from West Palm Beach (PBI)
Flight Frequency Departure Arrival Type Operator Remarks Validity
to Las Vegas McCarran (LAS)
ANR 5789 1234567 01:13 02:37 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5599 1234567 03:48 05:12 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 3502 1234567 06:49 08:13 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5791 1234567 11:46 13:10 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 5601 1234567 14:29 16:05 CS3 Anemoi Regional
ANR 3504 1234567 17:22 18:46 CS3 Anemoi Regional